Pocahontas: Why did John Smith write competing narratives? 
Social Studies • Grade 6

Segment with commentary below » Complete video here.

In this short clip, the teacher attempts to elicit arguments from students as to why John Smith would write two different accounts about his encounter with Chief Powhatan, the first in which he does not mention Pocahontas, and the second one in which he claims she saved him from near death. Although students in the first few turns fail to grasp that the two sources describe the same moment in time, eventually students formulate several arguments explaining why Smith might have written two different accounts. In doing so they incorporate contextual information drawn from an accompanying timeline (e.g., Pocahontas’s acquired fame in the intervening years), and surmise about Smith’s motives at different moments (e.g., he wanted to make money later; he initially wanted to “sugarcoat” his experience). 

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