Grounded, a Poem by Nikki Grimes
Language Arts • Grade 4

Selected segments with commentary below » Full video viewable here.

This segment of the discussion begins with the teacher asking students to share their thinking about how Damon (in the poem) feels, and to support their thinking with specific words and lines from the poem. Another way to look at this is that the teacher is asking students to provide evidence for their argument about how Damon feels. Two students responded to the question, providing evidence from the poem, and the teacher thanked each of them without further comment. 

At 01:18, the teacher picks up on a quote that S03 used in their comment. She asks what they are inferring about Damon from that quote. The teacher was trying to get students to say more about why he thought those quotes made him think that Damon was upset. 

In this segment, when S10 says, “I think blue was nice to Damon,” the teacher presses S10 to explain their thinking (4:53) and provide evidence from the poem to support their thinking (5:17). 

Here the teacher engages S12 by asking if they could hear S11’s thinking, and then prompting them to get S11’s thinking (6:17). The teacher also engages S13 by asking “what would you like to add to that?” S13 shares their disagreement with S11, then the teacher moves on. 

The teacher asks students to turn to a partner to share their thoughts about the title of the poem, “Grounded.” She then brings the class back together to share their partner's thoughts. At 8:58, she astutely presses S14 to say more to explain their comment: “I think Grounded means maybe he got grounded.” 

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